id: sessions title: Get Sessions meta: Overview of the sessions endpoint of the Infinite Flight Live API order: 2 #

Get Sessions #

Retrieve active sessions (servers) in Infinite Flight.

Resource #


Authorization #

Include your API key (<apikey>) by either:

Response #

Sample Response #

  "errorCode": 0,
  "result": [
      "maxUsers": 1000,
      "id": "89573c7f-d398-4281-bcc0-3e9b7f6b8492",
      "name": "Sample Server",
      "userCount": 187,
      "type": 0

LiveAPIResponse #

Response Type: application/json

Name Type Description
errorCode integer Enum: "Ok = 0", "UserNotFound = 1", "MissingRequestParameters = 2", "EndpointError = 3", "NotAuthorized = 4", "ServerNotFound = 5", "FlightNotFound = 6", "NoAtisAvailable = 7"
result [SessionInfo] Array of SessionInfo objects

SessionInfo #

Name Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the server. Use this to request flights and ATC data
name string Name of the server
maxUsers integer Maximum number of users the server can accept
userCount integer Connected users to the server
type integer Enum: "Unrestricted = 0", "Restricted = 1"